Maximizing Revenue: A Guide to Shopify Email Marketing Best Practices

Sourabh Upreti
Sourabh Upreti
February 23, 2023

Whenever you launch email marketing, you expect a juggling bag of revenue and profits 💰...

Unfortunately, the reality is often more like staring at your computer screen, wondering why your sales figures are as lonely as your cat on a Friday night.

The good news is that there’s no need to despair. With a few simple tweaks to your email marketing strategy, you can turn things around and start seeing the results you’ve been hoping for. In this post; we’ll show you how to use Shopify email marketing best practices to boost your sales.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to send advertising messages directly to consumers, often in the form of newsletters or promotional offers. But you can send these emails to only those who have purchased from your Shopify store or opted in to receive newsletters.

You can use email marketing for multiple use cases. 

For example, you can use it to announce new products, run promotions, or just say hello to your customers (because who doesn't love a good old "hey, how are ya?" email from their favorite brand?). Plus, with email marketing, you can track your open, click-through, and even conversion rates, so you know exactly how effective your campaigns are.

And, if you do it right, you can grab their attention and make them click through to your website, which can lead to more sales.

But don't just take my word for it. 

Studies show that email marketing has a higher return on investment (ROI) than other marketing channels like social media and paid advertising. Make sure you keep it exciting and relevant, as no one wants to read a boring newsletter or a generic sales pitch. Spice it up with humor, catchy subject lines, and valuable content.

Why is Email Marketing Important?

Simply put, it allows you to communicate with your customers in a way that any other channel can’t match. You get to build relationships and stay top of mind with them, plus you can send highly targeted messages that are more likely to be opened and read.

And because email is so much easier than advertising on social media or buying ads in magazines, it also takes up less time for you. But that's not the only thing email marketing can do for you.

Here are the five most important benefits of email marketing:

1. Establish a personal connection.

Email is the most direct way to connect with your customers. Instead of just promoting your products or services, you can use email marketing to build a relationship with your audience. You can send them offers and promotions that are relevant to their interests, and when they respond by buying something from you, you’ll know that they want it because they asked for it themselves.

You can even send personalized promotions like "Happy birthday, John, here's a 10% cashback coupon as a birthday gift from us." And who else won't appreciate it when you treat them as humans rather than just a name on your subscribers list?

2. It's cost-effective.

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your customers. You don't have to pay anything for email addresses and can use them forever, so once you have a list, you can keep sending out messages as long as you want without having to pay again.

This makes it easy for small businesses and startups to stay in touch with their audience without breaking the bank on advertising costs.

3. It's data-driven.

Email marketing provides an incredible amount of data you can use to improve your business. You'll know exactly what people are interested in, allowing you to tailor your offers better and improve your conversion rates.

Email marketing is also one of the best ways to get customer feedback, so if something isn't working, you'll be able to fix it before wasting more time or money on it. You need to use a SPF record checker to ensure that customer data and overall email communication is protected various security threats.

Steps to build Shopify email marketing Campaign.

Creating the perfect email marketing campaign for your Shopify store involves more than just designing compelling newsletters, crafting engaging copy, and using powerful visuals. However, these are all crucial factors for getting customers to sign up first!

Here is a step-by-step process to build and launch your first email marketing campaign.

1. Select email marketing software.

Let's be honest; you can't binge-watch which subject lines get traction and when your emails receive better open rates. That's where the automation comes in.

Email marketing software will help you stay on top of your email campaigns and ensure they are always up-to-date. You'll also be able to create segmented lists, send personalized messages based on the user's interests, and A/B test different subject lines.

You should choose an easy-to-use email marketing software with a low learning curve that allows you to set up advanced segments and triggers.

2. Build your email list.

The next step is to build a way to collect email addresses from your traffic. For your old customers, you would have their mail addresses; now, to build your new customer list, you need to build pop-ups. Your email marketing software will have this feature, so you can build one that will pop up on your website and collect email addresses. You can also use landing pages and offer a freebie or something else as an incentive to get people's emails.

Here's an example of how you can incentivize people to subscribe to your email list:


You can even use "Spin the wheel" pop-ups to get the maximum conversion rate. After all, it's your store; play with your creativity and create something unique. If it works for you, then go for it!

3. Get creative with your subject lines.

Your user's inbox will have tons of other brand emails like yours. Get creative with your subject line to make sure your email is opened. Try to add a question mark or exclamation point at the end of it. For example: "Are you ready for this?" or "Your freebie is here!" People love being asked questions and always want to know what's on the other side of the email.

Here are some examples of popular brands.

What sets them apart is their unique subject lines, which make readers want to open their emails. This is an effective way of increasing your email open rates and engagement.

4. Create a persuasive yet friendly email design.

Whether notifying your users about the new launch or limited-time offers, you should ensure that your email design is simple and easy to read. Use clear call-to-actions and eye-catching images. Ensure that your emails' content is short, sweet and to the point.

Just like these brands do,


To create a persuasive yet friendly email design, it's essential to prioritize clarity and simplicity. Your email design should be easy to read, with a clear and recognizable sender name and a concise subject line that communicates the purpose of the email.

When it comes to the content of the email, make sure to keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Use clear call-to-actions and eye-catching images to encourage your recipients to take action. 

Additionally, a clean and simple design with plenty of white space can help to make your email look professional and easy on the eyes.

5. Create automated workflow.

Automated workflows can help you save time and effort by creating a series of tasks executed automatically when certain conditions are met.

For instance, you could create an automated workflow that sends out a reminder email to anyone who joins your list but doesn't purchase anything within a specific timeframe. Automated workflows can also be used for lead scoring and lead nurturing to increase the value of your list over time.

When you select the perfect email marketing software, you will all these options without hassle. The best email marketing software will also allow you to segment your contacts into groups, sending out highly targeted emails with the highest chance of being read and acted upon.

6. Analyze and optimize.

The next step is to analyze your results and change your email marketing strategy as needed. For example, you can track the open rate of each email to see which subject lines are most effective at attracting attention. You can also measure click-through and conversion rates to determine what works best for each type of campaign.

Once you get a feel for how your audience responds, you can optimize your emails by changing subject lines or even sending out different messages to different groups of people based on the information in their profiles.

You can even do an A/B split test to determine which subject lines, images, and calls to action work best for each campaign.

How to use Shopify Email Marketing to Drive extra revenue?

There are too many possibilities for leveraging Shopify Email Marketing to drive extra revenue for your store. But here are the popular strategies you can use to increase your store's revenue.

1. Welcome emails.

You may think about how you can increase revenue with a welcome email. But when you do right, you can get better conversion. In fact, welcome emails can generate 30% more revenue than your actual newsletters.

Greet them with personalization, and use clear copy with a high-quality image. And the most important thing: offer them a discount. This will help you to get new customers and increase your revenue. Here's an example to help you get some sales,


2. Abandoned Cart Emails.

Abandoned cart emails are the best way to increase your revenue. You can use this strategy to get back customers who have left their shopping carts without purchasing anything. The most important thing is to send them a personal message which shows that you care about them as a person, not just as a customer.

It's where you can get creative and fun to encourage them to return. You can even offer them a discount or free shipping to get them back.

The reason why it works is that people who leave their shopping carts usually have some intent to buy, but they just need another reminder. You can use this opportunity by emailing them the product they left in their cart. This will help you get new sales from existing customers.

3. Product Launch Emails.

A product launch email is an email you send to your list when launching a new product. This is the perfect time to build excitement around your brand and get people excited about your new products. 

You can also use this opportunity to get feedback on what they think of the product before it goes live, which can help you improve future launches.

You can use this email to build hype around your product and get people excited about it if you have a nurtured audience base. This is an excellent way to launch new products and ensure that you’re constantly providing value to your audience.

4. Seasonal Sales Emails.

If you have a product that sells well during certain times of the year, this is an excellent time to send a seasonally-themed email. You can use this opportunity to provide a discount code or link people back to your store so they can purchase something right away.

If you have products that are only available in limited quantities, then it’s also a good idea to send out an email letting people know how many units are left and when they will run out of stock.

This creates a FOMO effect and encourages people to buy right away.

5. Re-engagement Emails.

Send a re-engagement email to inactive subscribers to remind them of your brand and encourage them to visit your store. Re-engagement emails are a great way to ensure your subscribers don’t forget about you. You can send a re-engagement email out once per quarter or even less frequently if the frequency of engagement is high enough.

You can even send incentives to your subscribers to encourage them to return and make a purchase.

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Shopify email marketing tips

Though email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in a retailer’s arsenal, it can also be difficult to manage. If you want to make sure that your email marketing campaigns are effective and optimized, here are some helpful tips:

1. Personalization is the key.

Make sure that your emails are personalized and relevant to the recipient. Personalized subject lines can increase open rates by as much as 50% on the subject line. Just their name, and it can do wonders, so don’t be afraid to experiment with it.

2. Timing is everything.

Timing is everything, even when it comes to email marketing. If you send an email at 2 am, your customer will only engage with their pillow. Instead, ensure that you send your email campaigns when your customers are most likely to be engaged.

Hubspot surveyed 300 US email marketers to determine when they found it most effective to send out emails. The results indicated that the sweet spot for engagement was between 9 AM and 12 PM, along with another peak from 12 PM-3 PM.

Copy of LinkedIn - Graph - 1104 x 736 (5)


3. Segmentation.

Segmentation is one of the most powerful tools in your email marketing campaigns. It allows you to target specific groups of people with content that is relevant to them. 

For example, you could segment your customers by how often they buy from you and then send out an email campaign offering a discount on a product they didn’t purchase last time.

4. Call-to-Action.

You can't just send an email and expect your customers to do something. You need to use a call-to-action (CTA) to tell them what to do!

Make that CTA so big and bold that they can't miss it. And make sure it leads to a relevant landing page on your website.

5. Mobile-Friendly.

Most of your customers use mobile devices to check their email and browse the web. If your email is not mobile-friendly, it will be difficult for them to read. 

Make sure your emails load quickly on a mobile device and don’t take up too much space on the screen.

Rise above just "mails."

Let's admit that no matter how hard you try, most of your emails go out of the recipient's inbox without even being opened. Why? Because people are bombarded by emails every day, they don't have the time or patience to read them all.

But you can't neglect it altogether. After all, it is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. The key to a successful email campaign is to keep it simple and easy for people to digest. 

But what if we tell you that you can get a 98% open rate with 60% click-through rates on most of your messages?

Yes, that's true, and you can make it true with the help of WhatsApp marketing. WhatsApp is among the most popular messaging apps worldwide, especially among millennials. And people are less likely to avoid WhatsApp messages. But how can you tap into this?

That's where BiteSpeed comes in. It has all the features you need to bring conversions to your shop. The features range from pop-ups to collecting reviews right from WhatsApp chat. To maximize profit, you can build a WhatsApp chatbot and help your users build their cart even on WhatsApp. And everything will happen without lifting your finger.

Explore more: 

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