How to Combine Shopify Orders?

Sourabh Upreti
Sourabh Upreti
February 21, 2023

Ah, can't they send all my orders as a single shipment?

Your customers feel exactly the same way when you delay their orders or deliver them in a random order rather than delivering them in the same order they were placed.

You can't blame them; waiting for their multiple orders is a pain when they just get them as one thing. The solution is simple: combine your orders before shipping them out.

But how do you do this? Here's a step-by-step guide on how to combine orders on Shopify:

Why Should You Combine Shopify Orders?

When you combine multiple orders from the same user at once, it’s a great way to save time and money. Instead of shipping each order separately, you can send them all in one box or envelope, lowering your shipping costs. Plus, it’s easier for your customers because they only have to wait for one package instead of several!

From the customer's perspective, it makes tracking and getting orders at once more manageable than waiting for multiple packages. After all, who else will say no to saving money from shipping expenses?

How To Combine Shopify Orders?

You can combine Shopify orders using a couple of different methods, depending on what works best for you.

You can use the Shopify API to create a script that will automatically combine orders into one box and ship them out at once, or you can manually create your order-combining process. Let’s take a look at both options!

1. Combining orders without Shopify integration.

If you don't have access to the Shopify API or don't want to use it, you can manually combine orders on Shopify into one box and ship them at once without using any scripts.

Here's how you can do it.

Step 1: Log in to your Shopify store's admin dashboard.

Step 2: Go to the "Orders" section and select the orders you want to combine.

Step 3: Click on the "Actions" button and select "Combine Orders."

Step 4: Choose the order you want to keep as the main order and select the orders you want to merge.

Step 5: Review the combined order information and make any necessary changes.

Step 6: Click the "Merge orders" button to finalize the process.

2. Combining orders using a Shopify App.

This is a much more efficient way of combining orders. It’s faster and easier than the manual method but requires you to use an app. Several apps can help you with this process, such as Order merger or Mergify.

Step 1: Create your account with any one of the order merging apps. For example, we took Order Merger.

Step 2: Once you are on the dashboard, you can see all your orders, conflict handling, and order actions. Based on your requirements, you should select the options wisely. For example, you can check the box if you want to give the customer a free shipping option when the combined order exceeds a specific value.

Manual merge - select specific orders to merge

Step 3: Once you are done with your settings, you can label the merged orders. To do this, create a custom tag and add it to the tag bar. This way, you can track which orders are merged with which orders.

Order actions - add tags or notes to the new/old order with tags

Step 4: Click the Automatic Merging option once you are all set. This will automatically merge the orders based on the settings that you have made. You can even manually merge from the dashboard too. The choice is yours.

How Do I Combine Product variants in Shopify?

Product variants provide customers with an array of options to select from, making it easier for them to choose the best product that fits their needs. But sometimes, you may need to merge product variants in Shopify for a specific product.

For instance, consider a t-shirt in two color options and three different sizes. Instead of having six separate product variants, you can simplify things by combining them into a single product with three variants.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to combine product variants in Shopify:

  1. Create a new product: On the "Add a product" page, choose "Create a new product" and enter the product name, description, and other details.
  2. Add variant: Go to the "Inventory" tab and click "Add variant."
  3. Enter variant name: In the "Variant name" field, enter the name of the first variant (e.g., Blue).
  4. Set variant price and weight: Enter the variant price, compare at price (if applicable), and select the variant weight (if applicable).
  5. Repeat the process: Repeat this process for each variant you want to add.

Note: Ensure you have filled in all the necessary information for each variant. This will generate a unique SKU for each variant and enable you to track the inventory levels separately.

How Do I Combine Collections in Shopify?

You can combine collections in Shopify by following these steps:

  1. Access collections: Go to "Products" > "Collections" from your Shopify admin.
  2. Select the first collection: Click the name of the first collection you want to add products from.
  3. Add products: In the "Collection details" section, click "Add products."
  4. Check products: Check the boxes next to the products you want to add and click "Add products."
  5. Repeat steps 2-4: Repeat steps 2-4 for each additional collection from which you want to add products.
  6. Order collections: Change the order of the collections by dragging and dropping them in the "Collections" list.
  7. Order products: Change the order of the products within each collection by clicking "Reorder" under "Collection details."

Note: The combined collections will appear as a single collection in your store's front end, with the products from each collection displayed together.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How do I fulfill multiple orders on Shopify?

You can fulfill multiple orders at a single time using these steps,

  1. Access the admin section of your Shopify store.
  2. Navigate to the "Orders" section of your Shopify admin panel.
  3. Filter orders by selecting "Fulfillment Status" and choosing "Unfulfilled."
  4. Select all unfulfilled orders by checking the box to the left of the "Order" master filter.
  5. Click the "Actions" button and select "Fulfill orders."
  6. Confirm the fulfillment process by clicking "Fulfill" from the dialog box.

2. Is there a way to organize orders on Shopify?

Yes, on Shopify, you can organize your orders by using filters and sorting options in the Orders section of your Shopify admin. You can filter orders based on criteria like fulfillment status, payment status, order number, and more.

Additionally, you can sort orders by various criteria such as date, order total, and tags. This allows you to efficiently manage and prioritize your orders, ensuring that customers receive their purchases in a timely and organized manner.


In conclusion, combining orders in Shopify can be done quickly by following the steps outlined in this blog post. By grouping orders together, you can streamline your fulfillment process and increase efficiency in your store operations. Whether you have a small or large business, organizing your orders can save you time and resources while ensuring that your customers receive their purchases promptly.

But wait, your role won't get completed until you notify your users about their order status. This can be done with a simple email notification informing customers about their orders and providing them with tracking information. To be more efficient and push people to purchase more, you should get in front of them without losing in the noise.

This is where BiteSpeed comes in. It helps you notify your customers of the order status to your users via WhatsApp by cutting through the noise and getting in front of your customers. And the best thing is, with the order confirmation message, you will also get to upsell your product.

No need to manually send out the order confirmation message, as it will be automatically generated. You can use this feature to send a personalized message to your customers along with the confirmation of their order. Your customers will be happy about the service, and you will be able to upsell your product. A win-win solution, isn't it?

We have more tactics too, but we will reveal them on our demo call; deal? 

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